P. Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics
Division of Physics, Mathematics, and
California Institute of Technology
Curriculum Vitae, publication list, recent talks, biographical sketch

I am a
theoretical physicist. Topics I have worked on in the past include the
connections between particle physics and cosmology, properties of topological
defects, nonperturbative phenomena in quantum field
theory, and quantum aspects of the early universe and of black holes. Since the
mid-1990s, my central interest has been in the theory of quantum information, quantum computing, and
quantum error correction.
speaking, quantum information science addresses how the principles of quantum
physics can be harnessed to improve the acquisition, transmission, and
processing of information. A quantum computer would be a new type of machine
that, by exploiting the unusual quantum properties of information, could
perform certain types of calculations far more efficiently than any foreseeable
classical computer. I'm particularly interested in developing new schemes for
protecting intricate quantum systems from decoherence
and other sources of error. Here is a 6-minute
animated introduction to the subject.
For further
information about quantum computation, and other useful links, see the Physics 219 home page.
In 2000 I
founded the Institute for Quantum Information (IQI), as part of the initiative in Information
Technology Research launched by the National
Science Foundation. In 2011 the IQI become a part of the Institute
for Quantum Information and Matter (IQIM), an NSF Physics
Frontiers Center.

Contact Information:

Caltech 305-16
Pasadena, CA 91125
Office: 206 Annenberg
Phone: 626-395-6691

Papers and Talks:
of my publications can be found on the electronic ArXiv. Another
useful list of my publications can be found on google
scholar. Here is a complete publication list,
with links to most of the articles.
are some recent talks I have given. A more complete list of talks since 2019 is
- Beyond
NISQ: The megaquip machine (Q2B 2024)
- Bell Prize Award
(CQIQC 2024)
- Our quantum future (US QIS Summer
School 2024)
- Umesh Vazirani, Physicist (Umeshfest 2024)
- Michael
Ben-Or corrects errors (Workshop in honor of Michael Ben-Or
- Crossing
the quantum chasm: From NISQ to fault tolerance (Q2B 2023)
- Following
Lenny’s Lead
(DanLennyFest 2022)
- Quantum
computing 40 years later and 4 years later (Q2B 2021)
- Classical
shadows of quantum states (Simons Institute 2021)
- Quantum computing and
fundamental physics (QuantHEP
Seminar 2020)
- Entanglement
(KITP Teachers’ Conference 2020)
- The
ghost in the radiation: robust encodings of the black hole interior (KITP 2020)
- Perspectives on quantum
(Google X 2019)
- Quantum speedups in the
NISQ era
(QuICS 2019)
- Improving
quantum metrology using quantum error correction (DAMOP 2019)
- What’s next
after quantum supremacy (Q2B 2019)
- Quantum technology: the
search for applications (Q2B 2018)
- Feynman
After 40
(APS April Meeting 2018)
- Quantum computing in
the NISQ era and beyond (Q2B 2017)
- Quantum information and spacetime (QIP 2017): Part
1, Part 2
- QEC in 2017:
Past, present, and future (QEC 2017)
- Quantum
algorithms for simulating quantum field theory (QuICS 2017)
- Stability,
topology, holography: The many facets of quantum error correction (APS March
Meeting 2016)
- Our
quantum future (SQuInT 2016)
- Quantum is different: Part
1, Part
2 (One Entangled Evening 2016)
- Is spacetime a quantum error-correcting code? (KITP 2015)
- Grand
challenges at the interface of quantum information science, particle
physics, and computing (HEPAP 2015)
- Quantum
information and black holes (MIT 2014)
- A one-hour
public lecture on quantum information (Caltech 2013)
- Introduction
to Quantum Information, two one-hour lectures (2012)
- Quantum
error correction and fault tolerance (2012)
Below are a
few papers that are not readily available elsewhere on the Internet. Some are
transcripts of informal talks I have given.

about Physics 219
, a course about quantum information and computation.
Field Theory Lecture Notes,
from Ph 230, Ph236, Ph 205
Information about Physics
230 , a course about elementary particle theory.
Information about Physics
106 , a course about classical mechanics.
Information about Physics 12b
, a course about quantum physics.
Information about Physics
12c , a course about statistical physics.

was once briefly almost famous for winning a bet .
Alas, this only encouraged me to make more bets.
Details are on the black
hole bets page .
Update (24 July 2004): My comments
about Stephen Hawking’s concession.
Stephen Hawking.

Other Stuff:
- Physics Colloquium
Poems: Erik Winfree , Craig
Hogan , Hirosi Ooguri , John
Schwarz, Quantum
Cryptography, Spin is
Lene Hau , Let’s
Play CA! , On
Quantum Compression, Leon Balents, Eddie Farhi, Jeff
Kimble, Anyon, Stephen
Hawking, Richard
- The
Joy of Why podcast, with Janna Levin (2024)
- If
from Qubit After-Dinner Speech (2023)
- Origins Podcast with
Lawrence Krauss (2023)
- My quantum
trajectory (Harvard/Radcliffe
Chilloquium, 2022)
- Oral
history interview (American Institute of Physics, 2022)
2019 After-Dinner Speech (2019)
- Y Combinator
podcast, with Craig Cannon (2018)
- Feynman at Caltech,
with Kip Thorne (Feynman 100, 2018)
- Singing “One
Entangled Evening” with: Gia Mora (Caltech, 2016), Robin Selinger (APS March Meeting, 2016)
- Finding
Things Out, with Kip Thorne and Stephen Hawking (TEDx Caltech, 2011)
- Ten Physics Problems
for the Next Millennium (selected at
Strings 2000)
- Millennium Prize
Problems in Mathematics (from the Clay
Mathematics Institute)
- A-hats Team Song (Caltech quantum
optics softball team)
- My Dog (photo and poem)
- My New Dog (photo)
- Words of Wisdom: “All I
really need to know” by David P. Stern.