大栗 博司

経歴  研究  教育  学会活動  アウトリーチ  リンク




     Strings 93

(Berkeley, California)

“Quantization of the Mirror Symmetry”



Strings 95

(Los Angeles, California)

“Loop Amplitudes of N=2 String”

Strings 96

(Santa Barbara, California)

“D-branes on Calabi-Yau Spaces and Their Mirrors”

Strings 97

(Amsterdam, Netherlands)

“Strong Coupling Dynamics of Four-Dimensional N=1 Gauge Theories from M Theory Fivebrane”

Strings 98

(Santa barbara, California)


Strings 99

(Potsdam, Germany)

Wilson Loops in Large N Theories”

Strings 2000

(Ann Arbor, Michigan)

Strings in AdS3 and the SL(2,R) WZW Model

Strings 2001

(Mumbai, India)

How Non-commutative Gauge Theories Couple to Gravity

Strings 2002

(Cambridge, UK)

Worldsheet Derivation of a Large N Duality

Strings 2003

(Kyoto, Japan)


Strings 2004

(Paris, France)

Concluding Remarks

Strings 2005

(Toronto, Canada)

Topological String Theory

Strings 2006

(Beijing, China)

Landscape of Supersymmetry Breaking Vacua in Geometrically Realized Gauge Theories 

Strings 2007

(Madrid, Spain)

On the Ubiquity of Meta-Stable Vacua

Strings 2008

(CERN, Switzerland)

Summary Talk” (video)

Strings 2009

(Rome, Italy)

Topological Strings and Crystal Melting Revisited

Strings 2010

(College Station, Texas)

    Title to be announced.





o    30 Years of Supergravity, Paris, France

Summary and Perspectives  (October 2007)





o    String Theory at the Millennium

Long Strings in AdS3, Short Strings in CY3,”      (January, 2000)

o    JHS/60 (in honor of John Schwarz’s 60th Birthday)

Strings in AdS3 and the SL(2,R) WZW Model,”  (November, 2001)



o    Director’s blackboard talk

Supersymmetry and Duality, Before 1995,” (March, 1998)

o    Geometry and Physics mini-program

The AdS/CFT Correspondence,” (August, 1999)

o    DavidFest       

Strings in AdS3,” (March, 2001)

o    M-Theory program

Strings in AdS3 and the SL(2,R) WZW Model," (April, 2001)

o    M-Theory program

Seiberg-Witten Transforms of Non-commutative Solitons,” (June, 2001)

o    Theory semina

Topological Strings and Black Holes,” (April, 2005)

o    Director’s blackboard talk

Probing Geometry by Strings,” (September, 2005)



o    PITP Showcase Conference, “Baby Universes in Quantum Gravity” (May, 2005)