Ph 230: Elementary Particle Theory
Textbooks on particle physics:
Texbooks on supersymmetry
- J. Wess and J. Bagger, Supersymmery and supergravity (1992)
- J. Terning, Modern Supersymmetry: Dynamics and Duality (2009)
Pre-requisites: Ph 205 or a similar course (basic QFT, including QED and its renormalization)
Ph 230a: Quantization of Yang-Mills theories,
renormalization, perturbative QCD, spontaneously broken
global and gauge symmetries, the Standard Model.
Ph 230b: CP violation, anomalies, effective field theories
(Chiral Perturbation Theory and HQET), instantons and
other nonpertubative effects.
Ph 230c: Supersymmetry
My office hours: Wednesday 3:30-4:30 p.m., 420 Downs
There will be no exams in this course: grading will be
done on the basis of turned in homework.
Each subproblem is worth 10 points. You are expected
to turn it at least 80 % of the assigned
homework and get at least 50% of the maximal possible
number of points. Homework problems will be
posted here every Wednesday (or Thursday morning, at the
latest) and are due a week later, that is, next Wednesday.
Homework problems - fall quarter
Week 1 (due Oct. 7) Week 2 (due Oct. 14) Week 3 (due Oct. 21) Week 4 - no HW
Week 5 (due Nov. 4) Week 6 (due Nov. 11) Week 7 (due Nov. 18) Week 8 (due Nov. 25)
Homework problems - winter quarter
Week 1 - no HW Week 2
(due Jan. 20) Week 3 (due
Jan. 27) Week 4 (due Feb.
Week 5 (due Feb. 10) Week 6 (due February
17) Week 7 - no HW Week 8 (due March 2)
Week 9 - no HW
Homework problems - spring quarter
Week 1 - no HW Week 2
(due April 13) Week 3
(due April 20) Week 4
(due April 27)
Week 5 - no HW Week 6 (due May
11) Week 7 (due May 18)
Week 8 (due May 25)