Textbooks:Ph 230ab: Elementary Particle Theory
Syllabus for the fall quarter:
Quantization of Yang-Mills theories, renormalization, asymptotic freedom,
perturbative QCD, spontaneously broken
global and gauge symmetries, the Standard Model.
Syllabus for the winter quarter:
Anomalies, non-perturbative methods, quantum field theory at finite
temperature, lattice gauge theory,
extended objects in QFT (solitons and instantons).
For the winter quarter, in addition to the above textbooks, I recommend
a book by R. Rajaraman, "Solitons and instantons."
Other useful books are: S. Coleman, "Aspects of Symmetry," and G. 't
Hooft, "Under the Spell of the Gauge Principle."
TA: Yi Li (office hours: Monday 4:30-5:30 p.m.)
My office hours: Friday 4:30-5:30 p.m.
There will be no exams in this course: grading will be done on the basis
of turned in homework.
Each subproblem is worth 10 points. You are expected to turn
it at least 80 % of the assigned
homework and solve correctly a reasonable percentage of the problems.
The meaning
of "reasonable" will be determined by the end of the quarter.
Homework problems will be
posted here every Wednesday and are due a week later, that is, next
Homework problems (fall quarter)
Week 1 (due October 8th) Week 2 (due October 15) Week3 (due October 22) Week 4 (due October 29)
Week 5 (due November 5) Week 6 (due November 12) Week 7 (due November 19) Week 8 (due November 26)
Week 9 (due December 3)
Homework problems (winter quarter)
Week 1 (due January 14) Week 2 (due January 21) Week 3 (due January 28) Week 4 (due February 4)
Week 5 (due February 11) Week 6 (due February 18) Week 7 (due February 25) Week 8 (due March 3)
Week 9 (due March 10)